You don’t want to prolong his agony so you have to do this as soon as possible. Monkey Go Happy – Stage 123 the newest stage of this adventure game made by Robin Vencel for Pencil Kids. On the good news, those clues are just around the corner so those hard puzzles might come easy for you. Not only that, you also have to collect items along the way that can help you out. WebMonkey GO Happy Stage Stage 481 Walkthrough - YouTube In the game Covid Grinch SnowBall Fight The Grinch asks you to make him a protective mask against. Those are hard puzzles so you will need clues. Monkey GO Happy: Eggs is yet another addition to the Monkey GO Happy puzzle-adventure game series.

However, solving those puzzles is not quite easy. This sounds like another adventure for you. Over 75 stages of puzzling fun to complete Monkey GO Happy from Pencilkids is an internet sensation that has reached millions of players online.
Choose one of six monkeys, choose a hat and then proceeds to collect at least 70 Valentine Bunnies to the Monkey GO Happy Show Full Description. Monkey GO Happy Valentines is another installment in the Monkey GO Happy saga. The thing is, he feels sad because he can’t solve the puzzle that he has to solve. Play online : Monkey Go Happy Valentines. You don’t want anybody in this village sad so you will do anything to make him happy. You heard that there is a sad monkey in the village so you went to him. As a part of the monkey family, you have to help the other monkeys to feel happy. Another day, another chance to make someone happy.